Meet Ashton
A Journey Through Motherhood
Hi! I’m so excited you’re here. I’m the mama of a 14-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter, one public-schooled and one homeschooled. I’ve gained many insights during my motherhood and health journey that I’m eager to share. My favorite things in life are connecting with nature and nurturing my family, the two of which I bring together in my blog to inspire other moms and caregivers, and to help expand their overall well-being by bringing connection and peace.
I’ll be blogging about natural and intuitive birthing and baby care options, breastfeeding, colic, and beyond, as well about my family’s health journey battling gut issues, irritability, fatigue and fogginess. I’ll also be blogging about natural remedies and any other health information that has helped me. There will be gluten and dairy free recipes, tidbits on hair and skin care, and everything homeschool. I have a wealth of information and experience to share with you!
Recognitions and Awards
Ashton earned Associate’s degrees in Liberal Studies and Psychology.
Ashton earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology.